Snipping Tool App for Windows 11

Install Snipping Tool for Free on Windows


Your experience with your Windows 11 computer or laptop will be even more exciting when you discover how to use Snipping Tool app on Windows 11. This built-in feature ensures you can effortlessly capture screenshots and further customize them to suit your preferences. So, let's dive into the essential details you need to know about this handy application.

An Overview of Features

  • Rectangular Snip: This feature enables you to draw a rectangle with your cursor and capture everything within it.
  • Free-Form Snip: As the name suggests, this allows you to freely draw a shape with your cursor, capturing whatever is inside.
  • Full-Screen Snip: Capture the entire visible screen with just one click.
  • Window Snip: Specifically capture an open window, irrespective of size or position on the screen.

With these flexible features, Snipping Tool on Windows 11 is your go-to application for every screen capturing need.

Installation Process

While some may be searching for Snipping Tool download for Windows 11, it's important to note that is actually a built-in application in Windows 11. This implies you don't need to separately install it, as it comes pre-installed with the operating system.

Finding and Launching the Snipping Tool

What you essentially need is to locate and launch this useful application. The steps include:

  1. Download the installation file from our website.
  2. Press the Windows key on your keyboard or click the Start button.
  3. Type 'snipping tool' into the search bar that appears, and the tool should display as a result. This is how you would install Snipping Tool on Windows 11, although more accurately it's simply launching the already installed tool.
  4. Click on the Snipping Tool to open it.

This process equally applied when you need to access Snipping Tool for Windows 11 download. Understandably, this phrase can create a bit of confusion. In actuality, you’re not downloading the Snipping Tool here, but rather accessing it within your already installed Windows 11 software.


Function Description
Rectangular Snip Capture a rectangular region of your screen
Free-Form Snip Capture a free-form region of your screen
Full-Screen Snip Capture your full visible screen
Window Snip Capture a specific active window

Now, you have a proper grasp of the Snipping Tool and its magnificent features. Start making it work for you with the knowledge you have gathered here!

Install Snipping Tool for Free on Windows
